Friday, June 6, 2008

Definitely NOT A Glass Blog

So a friend of ours, who we will just call "Arat" to protect their innocence, sent me a lovely message yesterday to register their displeasure at the lack of updates on the blog lately. Their use of expletives was not only grammatically correct, but also painted a picture, much like a poet.

When I quizzed Arat as to the status of their Blog and how often they updated it, Arat responded by explaining that their life was the kind of life that did not require a Blog.

So I say to you Arat - people in Glass Blogs should not throw stones. I am also inspired to say, those who can do, and those who can't, teach! :)

Arat - please consider this blog officially updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you could have just thrown me a pic of your beautiful baby, instead, you waste my time.

bad form, dickson. bad form. ;)

quit bogarting the baby pix. pronto!