Friday, January 18, 2008

Mum's Last Day

Today was Mum's last day with us here in the US. I just dropped her up at the airport for the lengthy flight home to Adelaide via Melbourne (no direct flights to Adelaide from the US - yet). The airport was the usual Friday night chaos with every spectrum of society represented in the departure area of the international terminal. Mum got checked in with little fuss (apart from the line) and I waited and watched her disappear into the security checkpoint.

Last night we went out for a last dinner at Benihana which is a Japanese teppan grill style restaurant (ie. the chef cooks the food right in front of you on a big hot plate). Great meal as usual and the Sake was pretty good too.

This morning we went down to Laguna Beach again and had a walk around the beach front and up to the top of the cliffs where there are some great views. We had lunch at a French restaurant that looked out on Main beach. All in all a very dignified way to spend a sunny "winter" afternoon in southern California.

Here are some photos form today:

Anyway, so long and bon voyage Mum! Come back soon! No, seriously, come back soon we need the help!! :)

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