Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Have bike... Will travel...

as craig mentioned in an earlier post, for my birthday this year he got me a new (PINK) bike. it has been years since i've ridden a bike for any distance, and never on southern california busy roads. after a review of bike road rules, suggestions, and safety tips i decided to head out and explore.

my trips lead me towards the beach. i like the neighborhoods along my current path and all the moms and babies i see on walks so i've kept up with this route even though it's not the most direct. it also has a few (for me) reasonable hills to get my heart rate up and pumping. once i get to the beach i cross over onto the beach trail which is full of other bike riders, people, strollers, dogs, and all sorts of life. it's a fun ride, but even more fun to people watch. i am really enjoying it and can't wait until we get a bike seat for callum so he can join me. right now i head out a few times a week for my hour or so of exercise, maybe sometime soon i'll use the bike for purposeful transportation and errands.

out of curiosity i used google maps to track how long my rides are currently. as you can tell by the picture i go a random path, but for me it's about the ride, not the speed the destination. approximate ride distance 4.3 miles or 6.9 kilometers.

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