Sunday, April 19, 2009

and-a one, and-a two...

** This one was actually written by Jen, but she forgot to hit publish **

it's been a rather hectic last few days here in the dickson household. callum came down with what we assumed was a cold/light flu on wednesday. he stayed home with me thursday and friday to rest up, and by the time yesterday (saturday) rolled around we decided it was time to investigate the clinic near the house for a checkup. there have been a couple sleepless nights for everyone.

it appears our baby has come down with 5ths disease, in addition to getting an ear infection. for having something with such a fancy name, callum has been quite a good patient. he goes through his pitiful moments of only wanting to be held, but is generally content to play near either craig or i. this has been the first illness, since the brand new baby stage, that has prompted us to take him into the doctor. we got him some medicines and he will be all better very soon.

hopefully we'll all rest tonight.

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