Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Newly Acquired Fear Of Flying

Generally speaking I am an OK flyer. I am not rock solid, as some decent turbulence will turn me into a white knuckled cold sweating mess, but I am OK.

But I have found a whole new reason to be afraid of flying. Very afraid in fact.

Tonight I leave for Australia with Callum in tow. That means 12+ hours with just me, him and 400 of our closest friends in a cramped steel tube in the sky. Dealing with the kid under those conditions would normally be a decent test of my mettle. But he has decided to up the ante this week. He has, what the doctors are calling an Upper Respiratory Infection. Basically he has been a coughy and snotty mess since about last Thursday. This means his appetite is off, his sleep is off and his demeanor is off. Just perfect!

He has been on the upswing though in the last few days so he is getting much better. But now, as Murphy would have it, Jen crashed yesterday with a fever and flu symptoms, and I am pretty sure if it wasn't from sheer will power I would be sick as well by now. I figure as soon as I hit Adelaide airport Saturday morning, my body will have a melt down and I will be down for the count.

Happy trails!