Friday, March 14, 2008

who has the greatest husband ever?...


as craig previously mentioned, he, my parents, and friends were all quite super spy about my birthday plans... and i had absolutely no clue. in hindsight i can now string together many of the clues... the fact that my mom didn't call the night before they were 'coming to visit', the fact that she was never near the phone, the reason tara* and alicia weren't online thursday afternoon at all (an especially rare task for super-geek alicia).

the surprises did not stop on thursday however, craig had more in store.

after a lovely day hanging out at the house, playing with callum, and generally gossiping with the lovely ladies - we made our way over to the shops across the road and had lunch. we decided on wahoo's fish taco - as it has become somewhat of a tradition for alicia and i to dine there whenever she is in town. callum was a perfect gentleman, and absolutely LOVED all the attention from tara* and alicia.

once craig came home we prepared ourselves to go out to dinner. i wasn't at all sure where we were going, but i was told jeans and t-shirts would be appropriate. we hopped onto the freeway to go south, and i figured it out rather quickly. we were headed to pizza port in san clemente! pizza port is one of my favorite restaurants as it has two of my great loves - good pizza, and good beer!

as we were hanging out at the table we were joined by two friends, Gorkey and Mike. Mike and Tara* ended up talking sports for a while, and Gorkey was quite taken with Callum. they both smiled and laughed at, and with, one another. callum and gorkey have both found a new best friend.

at around 10 pm we headed home for a sleep (and a beer or two more). it was another good day. i am told that tomorrow will be full of even MORE surprises!

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