On the 15th Jen, Callum, Shari and I went on a bus tour of Brisbane. Callum was very excited to ride on the big bus and we (not surprisingly) got a lot of great photos. I think Jen and I might be finally getting a feel for Brisbane.

After the bus tour, we had lunch at Mt Coot-tha which has a nice view over the city, although it was quite hot at the top.
When we got home, we played water fights in the back yard to cool off.
On the 17th we went to the kids water park at South Bank near the city. This was a great spot to spend a hot day with plenty of interesting water things for the kids to play with and best of all, it was totally free!

On the 18th (our last day in Australia) in the morning Shari and Leon took the kids to the mall for a little shopping and Callum and Alison had a ride on the kids ride.

In the afternoon of the 18th we all went to the Roma Street Parklands to hit the playground and let the kids run around. As a coincidence there was a huge multi-cultural festival being held that day, so parking was a bit of a problem, but there was lots more to see and do than we were originally expecting. Plus there was a great selection of interesting food from all over the world to choose from, including some hand made ice-cream that nobody was able to resist, especially the kids.

That night we had a very nice lamb roast made by Shari.
The next morning we were up and away to the airport bright and early. This time the flight departed basically on time and we even had a spare seat so Callum could sit on his own and have his own TV. He made the most of the endless cartoons since he never gets to watch that much TV normally. His eyes were so red by the end of the flight! But, he was quiet! :)
Once we got back to LA we landed and got through immigration and customs without incident, and that (finally) concluded our trip. Now all we had to deal with was a not-quite 2 year old with wicked jet lag. The first night he had a lot of trouble settling down and going to sleep at his regular time. In the end he came into our bed and we got him off to sleep, but as you can see in the photo below he was sprawled over half the bed - my half to be precise. So I ended up sleeping the guest room the first nigh, because neither of us was brave enough to try and move him back to his crib!
I will catch up the last part of October in the next post, including Halloween.
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