And the next day, Callum was burning off some energy showing us how he can dance.
Callum had such a good time when we took him to the aquarium back in February, that Jen purchased an annual pass. Here is Callum at the aquarium on the 5th.
By the way, Callum is getting better at driving.

If you were wondering what we do with the empty diaper boxes in our house, then the answer is we turn them into toys - which sounds creepier than it really it is. One of Jen and favorite games is "Clubhouse" where they both wear a single diaper box on their heads at the same time - which is exactly as odd as it sounds, trust me.

On the 14th was my team's beach picnic. We decided to bring Maple Bacon Fudge as our dish to share - yes, you read correctly, that is chocolate fudge that has (a lot of) bacon included in the recipe. On the surface it looks pretty normal, except the white stuff on top is not coconut, it is sea salt.

And Callum and I testing out the waves at the beach.

This is Callum molesting the toy monkey from his first birthday that was a present from his Nandi (my Mum).
On the 20th we received a care package from Australia from my Mum. Here is Callum getting ready to tear the hell out of the package.
And this is him working on the secondary layer of wrapping paper separating him from his presents.

From the 22nd through the 29th I was in Chicago for a super nerdy conference and I won't bore you with the details of that. However, I did get some time to do a bit of sight seeing, including catching a Bears (football) and a Cubs (baseball) game.

This is a picture of the new "The Ledge" at Sears Tower - basically a glass ledge you can step out on too on the 103rd floor which is 1,353 feet (412 meters) from the road below.
On the 30th, the day after I got back from Chicago we caught the last day of the Sour Beer Festival at Beechwood BBQ in Seal Beach. During lunch I asked Jen to make a face that represented how she feels about all her friends and family and this is what I got.

I then asked Callum the same question and this was his response.

Callum = A Manic on the FLOOR! His music video is simply Brilliant! He is so awesome! Hope you and Jen have a glorious trip to Australia. Cheerio?
I just watched Callum's dance video again...I vote post more video of Callum. His hilarious! ps...this is Danielle from work HI! I forgot to mention that in the previous comment. Okay...Cheerio or whatever again.
darn it...type oh-no...revise his hilarious to he IS hilarious.
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