The Zoo was actually much better than I had expected. I think it gets overshadowed by the San Diego Zoo, which might be warranted, but it was still worth the visit.
We saw this Camel. I have never seen a Camel lay down on its side, have you? It wasn't dead, because it was breathing. Very odd. But not as odd as what happened next. Alongside the Camel enclosure was the Llama enclosure. And as we walked passed there was a teenage girl looking at the Llama and we overheard her ask this question to her friends (I swear, I am not making this up), she asked "Do Llamas grow up to be Camels?". Ah, the American public school system shining through once again. :)
This last photo is especially for everyone back in Adelaide, particularly those that live in the hills areas.
Your eyes do not deceive you, they actually had a little enclosure for Millipedes in the nocturnal house!!
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