Monday, January 5, 2009

The Clowns

So today is my birthday. A time to reflect on years gone past and days of yore.

I hear many of you asking "What was Craig like when he was younger?", and usually I just ignore you, but today I found something that brought me back to my High School days in such a blinding flash that I have to share.

So, circa 1990-1995 there was a reasonably vibrant music scene in Adelaide, with bands with (super classy) names like The Bearded Clams and The Testeagles dominating the small local pubs. The high school crowd I hung out with was known to go and see these types of bands on a semi-regular basis - which of course also means we were getting into licensed venues under age an a regular basis (my Mum and I have never discussed this, but I am sure this will not be a huge surprise to her).

Anyway, one of the other bands that was a local favorite at the time was The Clowns Of Decadance. And through the magic of the internet (which effectively didn't exist for most people when this was shot) here is what they looked like.

Ah, good times!

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