let's get up to date.
visiting with the dickson side of the family ...
the next generation!
from left to right - cousin cameron (baby), cousin gavan (not baby), callum, cousin emma, and cousin amy at the normanville hotel...

callum, amy, and emma...

great auntie moira, callum, cousin amy, and cousin lili...

callum acting the ham surrounded by ladies...
lili, nandi, cousin kate standing, and amy, callum and emma on the floor.

my boy, the attention whore...
amy, callum, and emma...

kate, callum, and amy...

callum with a present from uncle david and auntie pam...

callum demonstrating the latest way to open presents, by eating the paper...

callum demonstrating how to simultaneously play with his present (MARACAS!) and throw a fit...

callum deciding that his maracas looked much more like ice cream...

callum and gavan...

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