Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Frog Hat

Here is Callum sporting his Frog hat from his "Auntie" Eli.

It also shows what the new kitchen sort of looks like.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Callum In The Bath

Callum is enjoying the new bathroom arrangements. Jen took these shots over the last few nights.

Possible BDay Present For Jen

Jen's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and she has been dropping hints about jewelery and what not, but I am thinking this might be the best gift idea ever. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you to BeardHead!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kung-Fu Callum

I don't recall the reason, but Callum had no top on at some point and only black long pants, which made him look very much like something out of a Bruce Lee movie.

And here is a great shot.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Aquarium of the Pacific

Today we (finally) visited The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. It was kind of an experiment to see whether Callum was ready to visit these kinds of places and actually get something out of the experience.

Callum showing us that he can rock a pear of sunglasses as good as his Dad can.

We will pretend Callum is pointing at the diver in the tank, and not just at the pretty bubbles.

The wide open spaces of the main atrium of the Aquarium was too much for Callum to ignore with his new found panache for walking.

Jen and Callum in front of the sea lion tank.

Outside by the touch pools - that is a 3-foot wide stingray you can see just over Callum's head.

And this is Callum trying to touch said stingray.

A quick geography lesson about where all the cool dangerous sharks come from ... or perhaps it was just where the pretty tropical birds come from, I forget.

We had fun at the Aquarium, but Jen and I are both in agreement that the Monterey Bay Aquarium was actually better.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Stair Dare Game

Callum is naturally interested in the stairs in our house now that he can walk. We haven't yet figured out how to put a gate up to block him from the bottom of the stairs as the walls at the bottom are not parallel so a pressure gate won't work.

Here is an example of what I call the Stair Dare Game, where Callum dares to climb to the 2nd step and then we scold him and he comes back down and then turns around and goes right back to the stairs.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Australian Bushfires - The Big Picture

I have been reading a column by Alan Taylor for a while now called The Big Picture. Its basically a photo journal of various events around the world.

The column on Monday was about the fires in Australia. Ironically some of the photos are really quite pretty to look at, until you remember exactly what the subject matter is.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Worst Natural Disaster in Australia's History

That is what they are calling it.

If you have been living under a rock, you may not be aware that there are the worst bushfires (wildfires to our American friends) raging in Australia currently. You will recall I posted the other day about crazy heatwaves, well these fires are the end result of that weather pattern.

There are news stories all over the Australian papers if you want to read more. Here is a link to just one story in the main Adelaide paper -,22606,25023105-5006301,00.html.

That story is reporting more than 300,000 hectares have been burnt, which (if my math is correct) works out to be almost 1,200 square miles. The death toll has been slowly climbing over the weekend, the number is now likely to exceed 200 before it is all over and done with.

So far (knock on wood) we are not aware of anyone that we know being dramatically affected, but as you can imagine it is still chaos in some areas, so fingers crossed. And Australia with its population size, there is barely 4 degrees of separation between you and anyone else, so even if no one we know is directly affected, I am sure we will hear friends-of-friends type stories in the coming days.

There has been one significant fire near Adelaide, but way out on the north side of the city, so a long way from my Mum's house and most of the rest of my family lives on the south side of the city as well.

There has actually been "significant" (well, compared to the usual level of none) coverage of the fires on the US media. I think I have seen video footage every night for about the last 4 nights or so.

Our thoughts are with our Australian friends and family. Be safe. You can replace property, you cannot replace a life.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Your Child's Brain On Drugs

This 7 year old has just been to the dentist and had some teeth pulled. The pain medication has not yet worn off.

His Dad decided it would be cool to film it. I like his Dad the most.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Um, Even More Extreme Weather

So, this is the third post about weather in just over a month.

Firstly it has been warm here again even as some of the manufacturing plants on the east coast for my company lost days during last week due to extreme weather - a big winter storm - and shut down completely.

But that is almost not even worth talking about. Poor old Adelaide just recorded its first day under 40°C (104°F) in over a week. On Wednesday the maximum was 45.7°C (114.2°F), which was 0.6° off of the all time hottest temperature on record for Adelaide. They are attributing over 20 deaths to the heat.

They are finally expecting a change in the weather on Sunday of this week.

Climate Change anyone?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things You Didn't Expect To See On The Freeway

On the way to watch the Super Bowl today, we saw this oddity doing 75 miles per hour (120 km/h) heading south on Interstate 5.

Yes that would be two 10-foot tall golden Roosters and a golden Cow as well.

Points to the person who comes up with the best caption.